Your knowledge and experience may earn you college credit! Take the survey to find out. It will take less than 15 minutes.
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If you've ever wanted to learn Spanish, create ceramics, dig into history or any other intriguing topic, check out all the great courses Inver Hills Community College has to offer.
Decide if you want to earn credit for a course, or if you want to audit a course. Auditing means attending but not taking tests, being graded, or earning college credit. Auditing students must still attend class and participate as required by the instructor.
The instructor must approve your request to audit. An email from the instructor can be used to show their approval. Indicate on the registration form if you want to audit.
Cost to take a course for credit
Cost to audit a course
I'm returning to Inver Hills at 65 because I need to finish what I set out to do when I first came to the college 46 years ago.
Your knowledge and experience may earn you college credit! Take the survey to find out. It will take less than 15 minutes.