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Aldrich Arena
1850 White Bear Avenue North
Maplewood, MN 55109
Aldrich Arena offers free parking in the parking lots adjacent to the arena. Please see the arena's website for more details.
Graduates: Please enter the west entrance of the arena and then line-up follow the signs to line up.
Faculty: Enter Aldrich Arena on the east side of the arena (the side opposite White Bear Avenue), go down the stairs on east side of the arena and assemble for line up in the "Team Room" at the bottom of the stairs. The Team Room doors will be locked during the ceremony to protect personal belongings. There will be signs to identify the space for faculty line up.
Event workers (Staff/Faculty working the event): Enter the west entrance near the check-in station.
Guests: Enter either the west or east entrance. The doors will open at 6 p.m. for audience members.
There is no limit to the number of guests a graduate can bring, and guests do not need tickets.
Inver Hills does not have a graduation rehearsal; however, we ask that graduates arrive at Aldrich Arena (allow time for travel and parking) by 6:00 p.m. on May 9. Graduates will check in and receive name cards to verify pronunciation and receive instructions about the processional. Students will be lined up within their program. The line-up must be complete by 6:25 p.m. so that the ceremony can begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Please be on time or risk not being able to sit with your fellow students. Graduates will have reserved seats.
For questions regarding graduation and commencement, please contact the Enrollment Center at (651) 450-3503 or enrollment@inverhills.edu.