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Student Success Day is a student-centered event featuring a keynote speaker, one-on-one faculty time, and sessions designed to support students as they navigate college. This college-wide event will be held on Tuesday, September 24. The day includes a keynote, workshops and opportunities to develop strategies, skills, and tactics to achieve success as a student at Inver Hills.
All full-semester day classes (on-campus, Zoom, & hybrid) are canceled on SSD to allow students to participate in the day’s events. Accelerated courses (first 8 weeks) and off-campus classes may be held as usual. Since there will not be an evening keynote presentation, evening classes will be held at their usual time.
Registration is encouraged, but not required.
Jesse Ross, professional speaker, executive coach, and consultant will give this year’s keynote address: Role, Goal, Soul, Values – How to Connect Proximity to Purpose. As students, you are navigating a rapidly changing world and might be wondering how to connect your goals, values, and passions to the communities around you. It’s a challenging process, but crucial for creating meaningful connections and making a positive impact.
*Pre-recorded videos are available for those who are unable to attend in person.