Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), also known as Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), is designed to ascertain real-life college learning you have accomplished on your own. You can turn your know-how and skills into college credits that you can then apply to earning your degree.
Whether your expertise was achieved through work, volunteer, or personal experience, that knowledge is valuable and should be validated. You can validate your achievements via PLA, saving you time and money on the way to reaching your academic and professional goals. PLAs are commonly completed for areas of study such as Business, Communication, Computer Science, Human Services, Sociology, and Interdisciplinary Studies, but they are not limited to these programs.
PLAs can be used in liberal arts, major, and core curricula as well as for additional credits slated for transfer purposes. No limit is placed on the number of credits you can earn through prior learning. The amount of credits you receive depends on your knowledge and skill base. Prior learning credits are transferable to four-year institutions.