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Music Instructor
Department: Music
Phone: 651-450-3725
E-mail: erica.burton@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Master of Music (MM) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Music (BM) -
Northwestern University
Music Instructor
Departments: Music, Music & Band Department
Office: FA-176
Phone: 651-450-3554
E-mail: lchacholiades@inverhills.edu
Master of Music (MM) -
Cleveland Institute Of Music
Bachelor of Music (BM) -
University Of Georgia
Music Instructor
Department: Music
Office: FA-140
Phone: 651-450-3775
E-mail: bojan.hoover@inverhills.edu
Master of Arts (MA) -
Technological University Dublin
Bachelor of Music (BA) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Music Instructor
Department: Music
E-mail: kyung.ko@inverhills.edu
Dr. Kyungouk Ko is an active conductor, singer, and educator of all ages and abilities. He serves as the Minister of Music for Immanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Eden Prairie and the adjunct music faculty at Inver Hills Community College. Kyung’s passion for extending musical accessibility and enhancing cultural awareness has led him to participate in academy and community engagements.
An active collaborator, Kyung has worked as a professional chorister with numerous choral organizations. These collaborations include the Washington Choral Arts Society under Norman Scribner, the Cathedral Choral Society under Dr. J. Reilly Lewis, and the Cardinal Singers of the University of Louisville, KY, under Dr. Kent Hatteberg. As a conductor, Kyung founded the Bach Collegium Ensemble and worked as Assistant Conductor for the Chamber Singers, UNL opera production, and Women’s Choir at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he completed his D.M.A in Choral music with a dissertation on the Sacred Symphony for Voices Alone by George Lynn. Two academic grants from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the University of Nebraska supported him.
A native of Seoul, South Korea, Kyung earned a Bachelor of Music in Church Music at Yonsei University, Korea. He holds a Master of Music degree in choral conducting from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the summer of August 2018.
Kyung is married to his wonderful wife Jiwhi Eo, a music teacher at Se-Jong Academy, St. Paul, and they are the parents of Jeremiah and Esther.
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) -
University of Nebraska
Master of Music (MM) -
University of Louisville
Bachelor of Music (BM) -
Yonsei University
Music Instructor
Departments: Music, Music & Band Department
Office: LA-130
Phone: 651-450-3773
E-mail: michael.krajewski@inverhills.edu
Dr. Michael J. Krajewski is a highly sought-after educator and guitarist. His performance experience runs the gamut as he is accomplished in commercial, jazz, and classical styles. Michael has presented lectures nationwide for College Music Society, Guitar Foundation of America, Technology in Music Education, Minnesota Music Educators Association, North Dakota Music Educators Association, Texas Music Educators Association, Tennessee Music Educators Association. He has had the honor of teaching at the college level since 2006.
Dr. Krajewski is a published author with Soundboard Magazine, The Journal of the Guitar Foundation of America as well as writing The Complete Beginning Guitarist and The Complete Commercial and Jazz Guitarist. He has coached Guitar, Commercial, and Jazz Combos and as an ensemble director, his students have won top awards at the Eau Claire Jazz Festival.
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) -
Minors: Music Teacher Education -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Master of Music (MM) -
Georgia State University
Bachelor of Music (BM) -
Berklee College Of Music
Associate of Science (AS) -
Columbia-Greene Community College
Music Instructor
Departments: Music, Music & Band Department
Office: F178
Phone: 651-450-3774
E-mail: AMartin@inverhills.edu
An alumnus of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Andrew Martin has a Ph.D. in Musicology/Ethnomusicology, an M.A. in Musicology and an M.M. in Percussion Performance. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. In 2011, he served as an academic fellow at the Arbeitskreis Studium Populärer Musik held at the Institute for Musicology and Music Pedagogy, Osnabruck, Germany. At Inver Hills, Dr. Martin teaches courses in music history, music analysis and percussion. He also directs the Inver Hills African Drum and Dance Ensemble and the Inver Hills Steelband Ensemble.
Dr. Martin's extensive research is centered on the theory and analysis of American popular music as well as various aspects of Afro-Caribbean music and its phenomenal dissemination throughout North America and around the globe. His chief focus investigates the development of Trinidadian steelbands and pannists outside of Trinidad and Tobago.
Dr. Martin has lectured and presented all over the world, including the U.S., Canada, Europe, China and the Caribbean. His research has appeared in journals such as American Music, Pan Podium: The Journal of the British Steel Band Society and The Journal of New York Folklore as well as The Grove Dictionary of American Music. His book,Military Might, Melodious Music: The US Navy Steel Band 1957–1999, is set for publication later in 2016.
In addition to scholarship and teaching, Dr. Martin is an accomplished live performer of non-Western and Western music. He has shared the stage with many amateur and professional performing ensembles, including:
Dr. Martin has performed at a number of prestigious events, including:
To learn more about steelpan, you can read the following articles by Andrew Martin, Ph.D.:
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Master of Music (MM) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Master of Arts (MA) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
University Of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Department: Music
E-mail: jeffrey.olsen.2@inverhills.edu
Master of Arts (MA) -
University Of St Thomas
Master of Arts (MA) -
University of St. Thomas
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
University Of St Thomas