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Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: joangela.amores@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
Aspen University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Central Philippine University
Allied Health and Nursing Admissions and Advising Specialist
Department: Nursing
Office: LA-230
Phone: 651-450-3519
E-mail: jennifer.ball@inverhills.edu
Nursing, Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: nicole.brown@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
University Of North Dakota-Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
College Of Saint Scholastica
Associate in Science (AS) -
Inver Hills Community College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-212
E-mail: tracy.carrchelley@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: winson.chng@inverhills.edu
Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.) -
St. Catherine University
UFT Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: scott.church@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing-Education (MSN) -
Western Governors University
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
Saint Olaf College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: kim.christenson@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
Northern Illinois University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Benedictine University
Associate in Applied Arts (AAA) -
University Of South Dakota
Nursing Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: 212
E-mail: alemayehu.dorose@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: amanda.exley@inverhills.edu
Diploma (DIP) -
Itasca Community College
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) -
Walden University
Associate in Arts (AA) -
Inver Hills Community College
Associate of Science (AS) -
Excelsior College
Nursing AD Clinical Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: s-212
E-mail: kelly.fay@inverhills.edu
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Capella University
Associate of Science (AS) -
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-213
Phone: 651-450-3525
E-mail: sgeorge@inverhills.edu
Master of Science (MS) -
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Indiana University-South Bend
Associate of Science (AS) -
Bethel College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: bernadette.groh@inverhills.edu
Licensure (LIC) -
Dakota County Technical College
Heath Coaching (CERT) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Master of Science (MS) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Southern Connecticut State University
Associate of Science (AS) -
Inver Hills Community College
Nursing Clinical, AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-210
E-mail: tobias.guindon@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
University Of North Dakota-Main Campus
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
College Of Saint Scholastica
Associate in Science (AS) -
Inver Hills Community College
Nursing Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-227B
Phone: 651-450-3698
E-mail: MHake@inverhills.edu
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
Elmhurst College
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
Rockford College
Associate of Science (AS) -
Harper College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-208
Phone: 651-450-3787
E-mail: josh.hardin@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) -
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
St Catherine University
Bachelor of Science (BSN) -
East Central University
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-219
Phone: 651-450-3717
E-mail: Vickie.Holker@inverhills.edu
Master of Science (MS) -
University Of Wyoming
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
University Of Wyoming
Associate of Science (AS) -
Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Nursing Lab Assistant
Department: Nursing
Office: S-228
Phone: 651-450-3375
E-mail: josee.huard@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) -
State University of New York, Health Science Center at Syracuse
Bachelor of Science (BAS) -
McGill University
Associate in Science (AS) -
Century College
Department: Nursing
E-mail: susan.janicke@inverhills.edu
Diploma (DIP) -
South Central Technical College
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
Walden University
Master of Arts (MA) -
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Master of Science (MS) -
Graceland College
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Associate of Science (AS) -
Excelsior College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-206
Phone: 651-450-3609
E-mail: celeste.knoff@inverhills.edu
Master of Business Administration (MBA) -
University Of Nebraska At Omaha
Master of Arts (MA) -
St. Catherine University
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Minors: French Studies -
South Dakota State University
Department: Nursing
Phone: 651-450-3744
E-mail: KKorzenowski@inverhills.edu
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) -
Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Nursing Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-207
E-mail: sophie.hajder@inverhills.edu
Certificate (CERT) -
Century College
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
St. Catherine University
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
Gustavus Adolphus College
Nursing, Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: megan.lang@inverhills.edu
Master of Science (M.S.) -
University of Phoenix
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) -
University of Minnesota-Morris
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) -
South Central Technical College
Associate of Science (A.S.) -
Century College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-219
Phone: 651-450-3522
E-mail: diana.mancino@inverhills.edu
Master of Science (MS) -
St. Catherine University
Bachelor of Arts (BA) -
St. Catherine University
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-205
Phone: 651-450-3719
E-mail: mary.mcmahonbullis@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Philosophy Nursing (PhD) -
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Master of Arts Nursing Education (M.A.) -
Bethel University
Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) (B.S.) -
Bethel University
Bachelor of Science - Liberal (B.S.) -
Excelsior College
Associate of Science Nursing (A.S.) -
Southern Adventist University
Adjunct Nursing Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: truphena.obonyo-omboga@inverhills.edu
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
University of Nairobi
Nursing AD Clinical
Department: Nursing
Office: S-212
E-mail: emilly.ondara@inverhills.edu
Nursing (MSN) -
Western Governors University
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Winona State University
Associate in Applied Science (AAS) -
Hennepin Technical College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-209
Phone: 651-450-3784
E-mail: innocent.osano@inverhills.edu
Diploma (DIP) -
Dakota County Technical College
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
Bethel University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Bethel University
Associate in Applied Science (AAS) -
Normandale Community College
Nursing AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-212
E-mail: colleen.quesnell@inverhills.edu
Diploma (DIP) -
Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing (
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
University Of North Carolina At Charlott
Nursing Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
E-mail: adoma.sackitey@inverhills.edu
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Associate in Arts (AA) -
Normandale Community College
Associate of Science (AS) -
South Central College
Nursing, Clinical AD Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-209
Phone: 651-450-3591
E-mail: KStiff@inverhills.edu
Certificate (CERT) -
Inver Hills Community College
Master of Science Nursing (MSN) -
Capella University
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Associate in Arts (AA) -
Inver Hills Community College
Associate in Science (AS) -
Inver Hills Community College
Nursing AD Clinical
Department: Nursing
E-mail: pa.vue@inverhills.edu
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
College Of Saint Catherine-Minneapolis
Associate in Science (AS) -
Normandale Community College
E-mail: alicia.waits@inverhills.edu
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Northwestern State University Of Louisiana
Nursing Assistant Instructor
Department: Nursing Assistant
Office: S-218
Phone: 651-450-3649
E-mail: ladonna.white@inverhills.edu
Master of Arts (MA) -
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Science (BS) -
Southeast Missouri State University
Associate of Science (AS) -
North Hennepin Community College
Director of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office: S-213
Phone: 651-450-3888
E-mail: sara.wiggins@inverhills.edu
Diploma (DIP) -
Lake Superior College
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) -
Capella University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) -
Metropolitan State University
Associate in Arts (AA) -
Lake Superior College
Associate in Science (AS) -
Lake Superior College
Nursing AD Clinical Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: S-212
E-mail: derek.wilfahrt@inverhills.edu
Nursing Instructor
Department: Nursing
Office: L-307
Phone: 651-450-3756
E-mail: CZepeda@inverhills.edu
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) -
St. Catherine University