

statue of Plato, statue of Athena in background, blue sky

Subject Area Overview


The Philosophy department at Inver Hills offers courses that introduce you to the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. The department's mission focuses on advancing your knowledge and understanding regarding the history and problems of philosophy. Our curriculum covers such key areas as ethics, logic, scientific thought, and world religions.

As a philosophy student, you will develop your reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical skills related to influential ethical theories as well as major philosophical theories of reality.

Why study Philosophy at Inver Hills?

Unlock your ability to reason with your own resources.

All philosophical discourse in your coursework emphasizes cultivating your desire to understand the complexities of existence with the goal to cease accepting and memorizing claims about existence and think for yourself.

Jump into philosophy with a hungry mind and the grit to know yourself.

As a well-rounded student of philosophy, you will learn to think logically and ethically to better appreciate human thought and the seemingly infinite ways our minds can see the world. If you are willing to read, think, and engage in philosophical discussion, you can and will change your life.

Explore philosophy from numerous perspectives.

We offer several different philosophy courses, including Ethics, Philosophy and Scientific Thought, Philosophy and World Religions, Thinking Critically About Contemporary Issues, and Environmental Philosophy.

Follow philosophy anywhere.

Meet Goal 4 Math requirements of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) with either PHIL 1120: Symbolic Logic or PHIL 1115: Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning. Credits you earn taking Philosophy courses at Inver Hills can be applied toward transfer to a four-year school to complete a baccalaureate degree in philosophy or a related field.


Think hard.

Philosophy majors ask the toughest questions and find their own answers. They understand the meaning of knowing how to think vs learning what to think. They become disciplined thinkers by exploring the fundamental concepts of existence.

Confucious statue, Asian household setting
Inver Hills Campus

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