Subpart A. Complaints.
Complaints shall be brought within 15 days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the complaint, or within 15 days after the student, through the use of reasonable diligence, should have had knowledge of the first occurrence giving rise to the complaint.
- Students are encouraged to use available informal means to resolve concerns before filing a complaint.
- A student shall document the complaint on Inver Hills Student Complaint Form, and include the reason for the complaint, factual summary of the complaint, and the remedy sought.
- The college employee or supervisor who receives the complaint shall contact the student to discuss the complaint within ten working days (working days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and holiday breaks in the academic calendar). The college employee or supervisor shall inform the complainant of, and document on the complaint form, a reasonable date by which the employee/supervisor shall make a written response. The student may have an appropriate campus representative (e.g., counselor or instructor), in attendance for any such discussion.
- Information submitted and gathered in a student complaint is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act.
Subpart B. Grievances.
If the student determines that the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, and the complaint alleges improper, unfair, or arbitrary action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a college or Minnesota State policy or procedure, the student may file a grievance.
- The grievance must be filed on IHCC’s Student Grievance Form within 10 days of receipt of the written response to the complaint under Part 3, Subpart A. The grievance shall state the reason for the grievance, a factual summary of the grievance, the specific policy or procedure application that is the concern, and the requested remedy. The student may submit the grievance through the following steps:
- The administrator to whom the employee reports. The grievant may elect to waive this step if the grievant previously submitted the matter to the same administrator under the Complaint Process in Part 3, Subpart A.
- The vice president to whom the employee reports. The grievance must be submitted to the vice president within 5 days of receipt of the written response in step 1, or if step 1 is waived, within 10 days of receipt of the written response to the complaint under Part 3, Subpart A.
- Each administrator who receives the grievance shall meet with the student to discuss the grievance within ten working days (working days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and holiday breaks in the academic calendar). The administrator shall inform the grievant of, and document on the grievance form, a reasonable date by which the administrator shall make a written response.
- Information submitted and gathered in a student grievance is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act.
Subpart C. Appeal.
If the grievance is not resolved, the student may submit a written appeal of the grievance, within five days after receiving the written response in Part 3, Subpart B.2, through the following steps:
- To the college president. The president's decision is final and binding, except as provided for in Part 3, Subpart C.2.
- If the grievance involves a Minnesota State Board policy, or the actions of the college president, to the chancellor. The decision of the chancellor is binding.