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See our Technology Resources page and learn how to check out a computer or Chromebook, connect to classes through Zoom, explore our online learning host D2L Brightspace, and more.
Online classes:
Step 1: Learn Important Online Strategies
Successful online students from Inver Hills explain the skills and strategies necessary to do well in an online course. This is an excellent checklist to help you understand what is required.
Step 2: Purchase Your Textbooks
At the online Inver Hills Community College bookstore, you can search for your course materials, purchase your textbooks, pay for them, and have them mailed to your home address.
Step 3: Run a Computer System Check
Verify that your computer meets the technology requirements for taking online courses. Contact Information Technology Services for help with any technology related to online learning, and to access user guides for technology you will be using for online courses – including D2L Brighspace and Zoom
Step 4: Log Into Your Desire2Learn (D2L) Account
Most online courses use D2L, an online classroom. You should log into D2L using your StarID before the semester starts so you can be certain your access is working. You might be able to log in sooner but you should be able to log into D2L 12 hours after you register for a class within the month before the start of the term. The classes you are registered for should appear in the My Courses list, but you will not be able to go into a class site until the course start date (some instructors open their class sites to students before the start of the course start date).
Step 5: Verify You Will Receive Email from D2L
After you have access to a class site in D2L use the Classlist tool to verify the email address in D2L is correct. Your college-issued email, which ends in .EDU, is the address D2L will send messages to from instructors and classmates within D2L. Learn more about activating and using your .EDU email.
Decide if taking an online or blended/hybrid course is right for your learning style. Be certain to speak with a counselor or advisor if you have questions about how to be successful in an online class.
Contact our Center for Teaching and Learning staff to gain access to the Brightspace Orientation for Students course.