Visit the StarID Self-Service page to reset your password, update your profile, activate or retrieve your StarID, and more.
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You will have the same StarID if you are a student or future employee of any Minnesota State college or university.
NEVER write down or share your StarID password. No one from ITS or any other part of the college or Minnesota State Colleges and Universities should ever need your StarID password. You will frequently be asked for your StarID username. Sharing the username is fine. Sharing the password is not.
The only place you should ever change your StarID password is using the StarID Self-Service website.
The StarID system sends messages by email. Those messages will include the StarID Self Service website address. Most email programs will recognize the web address and convert it to a hyperlink to make it easier for you. Hyperlinks embedded in email messages are one of the most common schemes used by hackers to steal personal information. It is best to always type the address of the website when you want to go to sites that have sensitive information like the StarID Self Service, e-Services, your online bank, and Bank Mobile.
The StarID system sends out a series of warning messages to advise you that your StarID password will expire soon. The warning is sent so you can change your password before it expires and your access to technology systems is stopped. Use the Change Password tool on the StarID Self-Service site to change your password.
Visit the StarID Self-Service page to reset your password, update your profile, activate or retrieve your StarID, and more.